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Amethyst Docs

Tracking Devices

Preview content!

Both the plugin contract and Amethyst itself are still in the Technical Preview stage, and you may need to manually update your plugins to work with the latest version of Amethyst. We’ll try to keep the API backward-compatible as much as we can, though.

Plugins implementing ITrackingDevice

As you already know, to provide tracking data to Amethyst, you need to export a plugin implementing the ITrackingDevice interface, and exporting it with proper attached MEF metadata.

Feeding Amethyst with your data

The main principle of Amethyst device plugins is the ObservableCollection of TrackedJoint objects, named TrackedJoints, which is used to provide the tracking data to Amethyst. You need to populate this collection with the joints you want to track, and update their values as you receive them from the device you’re handling (on each Update() call, either by Amethyst or manually). Each TrackedJoint has a name and a role, TrackedJointType.

The TrackedJointType enum is used to define the role of the joint, and is used by Amethyst to auto-assign selected joints to their respectable trackers. All of the skeleton MS Kinect V2 provides is covered, and for joints you don’t know which role to assign, we have a special JointManual role. It will stop Amethyst from auto-assigning the joint to any suitable tracker, and show a picker instead. Only the devices providing a JointHead joint will be allowed to use the Automatic Calibration within Amethyst.

TrackedJoints can provide physics for connected Services to run appropriate calculations on. To use it, you will need to set your device’s IsPhysicsOverrideEnabled to true and feed the joints with physics data.

Joint auto-assignment

For each selected Base tracking device and currently selected Service, Amethyst will try to find such a joint in your exported device that satifies each supported tracker type in the service. If it doesn’t find a suitable joint, a manual picker will be shown in the Devices tab, under the Base tracking device section. You may mark all your joints as Manual and force the user to pick them manually, though. (Relieving, innit?) Also, Overrides don’t use this assignment system, and don’t really need it.

Order your joints!

Note this only applies to joints with JointManual role, you should read this if you’re going to use the JointManual role. Amethyst uses relative joint indexing, taking their IDs from the TrackedJoints list. This means that each time you append joints to the list, you need to make sure they’re in the exact same order as previously. Otherwise, Amethyst may get confused and reset a particular tracker to the first joint, requiring a manual re-assignment.

Device states

Each device plugin has various properties used to indicate its state, and provide more information about. The most important ones are DeviceStatus, used to indicate the current state of the device (0 for success) and IsSkeletonTracked, used to indicate whether the device is currently tracking the user or not.

To enrich the experience, plugins are also to provide a stringized version of their statuses, under the DeviceStatusString property. This is used to display the status of the device, and must have the following format:

Not Defined\nE_NOT_DEFINED\nStatus message not defined!
  header^  \n    code^    \n        message^

To help your users understand the error better, or to provide handling for it, you can set ErrorDocsUri to a custom Uri. The link will be launched by Amethyst when the user clicks the ‘View Docs’ button in the status message. Note this is an Uri, so it supports custom protocols, for example ms-settings: or host://something and any valid Uri’s. Amethyst will use LaunchUriAsync to open your link, so make sure it’s valid and there exists a valid an app to handle it.

Device properties

Other, helper properties are used to indicate both the state and the usage of a device. You can opt-out of automatic Update() calls or opt-in to flip support, assuming your device provides a proper head joint.

Device property What is it used for?
IsInitialized Check if the device has been tried to be initialized by Amethyst (not if it’s working!) You probably want to set this to true on Initialize() and reset back to false on Shutdown()
IsSkeletonTracked Whether the device sees the user and tracks their body. To indicate a single joint isn’t being tracked properly, set its TrackingState accordingly.
IsPositionFilterBlockingEnabled You can block pose filtering of trackers your device is used to feed data to within Amethyst. Suitable if you have your own filtering or use joint physics.
IsPhysicsOverrideEnabled Used to indicate your device will provide joints which contain complex physics data, used by Services like OpenVR to run their advanced pose prediction on.
IsSelfUpdateEnabled Set this to true if you want to stop Amethyst from calling Update() on your device, and update everything on your own instead.
IsFlipSupported If your device can’t tell whether the user is facing it or not, and wish to support skeleton flip (mirrored tracking), please set this to true.
IsAppOrientationSupported Enable additional feet orientation options by setting this property to true. You will need to provide foot tip, foot, and knee joints.
IsSettingsDaemonSupported If you want to provide custom settings interface, displayed underneath the device, set this property to true. You’ll need to push a XAML Page to the SettingsInterfaceRoot object.
SettingsInterfaceRoot Applicable only when IsSettingsDaemonSupported is enabled. Holds a XAML Page (Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Controls.Page) of your device settings. Example here (OnLoad())
DeviceStatus Device status code, set to 0 to indicate success.
DeviceStatusString Stringized status, must have format similar to {Title}\n{Code}\n{Message}
ErrorDocsUri The link to launch when ‘View Docs’ is clicked while the device is reporting a status error. Supports custom protocols, e.g. “host://link”

Device methods

Device methods are used by Amethyst to control the device and call events on it.

Device method What is it used for?
OnLoad Called when the plugin has just been loaded, and on each recompose. You probably want to update your settings interface here (if you provide any).
Initialize Used to initialize/turn on the device plugin. May be called both automatically and manually, without any Shutdown calls prior to.
Shutdown Used to shudown/turn off the device plugin, called on exit. May be called both automatically and manually, without any Initialize calls prior to.
Update Called each internal update loop iteration, unless you opt-out by setting IsSelfUpdateEnabled to true.
SignalJoint(int) Requests a signal of a device joint, from the TrackedJoints collection. Can be ignored if not supported.